View of Kotzebue at sunset with rainbow

Upper Kobuk Area-Wide Energy Improvements

Project Lead:
Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. | Bill Stamm, President and CEO | (907) 565-5531 |

Ambler, Shungnak and Kobuk residents pay some of the highest energy costs in the state. Due to their remote location and a shallowing Kobuk River, their fuel and goods are flown in rather than barged. Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) proposes six major projects to increase energy efficiency, decrease the number of fuel deliveries and stabilize energy cost for all three communities.

AVEC would construct a new joint power plant in Ambler, a new electrical intertie between Ambler and Shungnak, repair the existing Shungnak-Kobuk intertie, make upgrades to the existing backup generator in Kobuk, construct a consolidated bulk fuel storage facility, and permit and design the Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Project to serve the upper Kobuk area.

Funding Needed: $30,600,000 | Project Status: Shovel Ready